Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Spring 2025 — Tuesdays 3:30 - 4:30 PM
LCB 225
Join the Algebraic Geometry mailing list for updates + announcements.Date | Speaker | Title — click for abstract |
January 7 |
January 8 (joint with RT/NT) 2:00pm |
Bogdan Zavyalov Princeton University |
Almost Coherent Sheaves and Poincaré Duality in p-adic Analytic Geometry
In this work, we study étale cohomology of p-adic rigid-analytic spaces
with F_p coefficients. For general (smooth) spaces, this cohomology theory does
not behave so well. For example, F_p-cohomology groups of the 1-dimensional
closed unit ball are infinite.
Nevertheless, Scholze showed that H^i(X, F_p) are finite-dimensional for proper X.
He further conjectured that these cohomology groups should satisfy Poincaré Duality
when X is both smooth and proper.
I will explain the proof of this conjecture using the concept of almost coherent sheaves
that provides tools to "localize" the question in an appropriate sense and eventually
reduce it to computations in group cohomology.
January 10 (joint with CA ) 2:00pm |
Hülya Argüz University of Georgia |
Calculating log Gromov-Witten invariants via scattering
Log Gromov-Witten invariants, introduced by Abramovich-Chen-Gross-Siebert, are counts of curves in pairs (X,D) consisting of a smooth
projective variety X together with a normal crossing divisor D, with prescribed tangency conditions along D. These invariants play a key role in mirror
symmetry for log Calabi-Yau pairs (X,D), in which case D is an anticanonical divisor. After briefly reviewing log Gromov-Witten theory, I will explain a
combinatorial recipe based on tropical geometry and wall-crossing algorithms to calculate such curve counts when (X,D) is obtained as a blow-up of a
toric variety along hypersurfaces in the toric boundary divisor. This is based on joint work with Mark Gross.
January 13 (joint with RT/NT) 2:00pm LCB 222 |
Justin Campbell University of Chicago |
Deformations of local systems and the geometric Satake equivalence
In this talk, I will discuss my joint work with Sam Raskin on the derived geometric Satake equivalence. As time permits, I will explain how this work has been applied in the proof of the geometric Langlands conjecture and in my work with Hayash. The main point is that when combined with local-to-global methods, my results with Raskin give information about deformations of reducible local systems on a compact Riemann surface.
Wednesday January 22 (joint with CA) 2:00pm |
Claudiu Raicu Notre Dame |
Cohomology on the incidence correspondence and related questions
A fundamental problem at the confluence of algebraic geometry, commutative algebra, and representation theory is to understand the structure and vanishing behavior of the cohomology of line
bundles on (partial) flag varieties. I will describe an answer in the case of the incidence correspondence (the partial flag variety consisting of pairs of a point in projective space and a
hyperplane containing it), and highlight surprising connections to other questions of interest: the splitting of jet bundles on the projective line, the Han-Monsky representation ring, or
Lefschetz properties for Artinian monomial complete intersections. This is based on joint work with Annet Kyomuhangi, Emanuela Marangone, and Ethan Reed.
Monday January 27 2:00pm |
Pierrick Bousseau University of Georgia |
Generalized Block-Göttsche polynomials and Welschinger invariants
Using tropical geometry, Block-Göttsche defined polynomials with the remarkable property to
interpolate between Gromov-Witten counts of complex curves and Welschinger counts of real curves in toric
del Pezzo surfaces. I will describe a generalization of Block-Göttsche polynomials to arbitrary,
not-necessarily toric, rational surfaces and propose a conjectural relation with refined Donaldson-Thomas
invariants. This is joint work in progress with Hulya Arguz.
February 4 |
February 11 |
February 18 |
February 25 |
Mark Shoemaker Colorado State University |
The Quantum Spectrum and Gamma Structure for Standard Flips
In his 1998 ICM talk, Dubrovin conjectured that for a Fano manifold X, the derived category of X possesses a full exceptional collection if and only if the quantum cohomology of X is generically semi-simple, suggesting a deep connection between the derived category of X and its Gromov--Witten theory. This relationship has been clarified in recent years, with a prominent role being played by the quantum spectrum, that is, the eigenvalues of the operator c_1(X) *q - on H^*(X) where c_1(X) is the first Chern class of TX and *q denotes the quantum product at q. Kontsevich has conjectured that the quantum spectrum of X is closely related to semi-orthogonal decompositions of D^b(X). I will describe how, in the case of projective bundles, blow-ups, and standard flips, known semi-orthogonal decompositions of the derived category indeed correspond to the quantum spectrum at a special value of q. This is based on joint work with Yefeng Shen.
March 4 |
March 17 |
Lei Wu |
Geometry of Bernstein-Sato ideals
In studying Mellin transforms of multivariable polynomial maps, Gelfand defined the so-called Archimedean zeta function of a polynomial and conjectured that the archimedean zeta function has an meromorphic continuation on the whole complex plane in 1950s. Bernstein introduced the so-called Bernstein-Sato polynomial and solved the conjecture in 1970s. In this talk, I will discuss how we can extend the constructions for a finite union of polynomial maps by defining Bernstein-Sato ideals. Then I will discuss some conjectures about the algebro-geometric properties of such ideals and what we know about them.
March 18 |
Giovanni Inchiostro University of Washington |
Stable maps to quotient stacks with a properly stable point.
I will present a compactification of the moduli space of maps from families of curves, to certain moduli spaces M, via the example of M being the GIT moduli space of binary forms of degree 2n. The main application of our results is the construction of certain moduli of fibered log Calabi-Yau pairs. This is a joint work with Andrea Di Lorenzo.
March 25 special time 3:00pm LCB 219 |
Joaquín Moraga UCLA |
Cluster type varieties
In this talk, we will introduce the concept of cluster type varieties.
These are compactifications of an algebraic torus such that the volume form
does not have any zeros on the compactification. In the first part of the talk,
we will introduce several examples of cluster type varieties.
In the second half of the talk, we will discuss about the property of
being cluster type in families of Fano varieties.
April 1 |
Ben Church Stanford |
April 8 |
Alekos Robotis Cornell |
April 15 |
April 22 |
Trevor Jones Cornell |
This web page is maintained by Emelie Arvidsson and Harold Blum.