
AWM T-Shirts

This year, the University of Utah's AWM chapter is now selling t-shirts, with all proceeds going to the AWM chapter. The stickers cost $25 and can be picked up locally. If you are interested in purchasing a t-shirt, please contact Samantha Linn.


The shirts come in two different colors: Maroon and Blue

Maroon shirt Blue shirt

AWM Stickers

This year, the University of Utah's AWM chapter is now selling stickers, with all proceeds going to the AWM chapter. The stickers cost $2 and can be picked up locally. If you are interested in purchasing a sticker, please contact Katie Lynch.

Design 1: Solid Red

Red Sticker

Design 2: Gradient Red

Gradient Sticker

Math Department Mugs

This year, the University of Utah's AWM chapter is now selling departmental mugs, with all proceeds going to the AWM chapter. The mugs cost $10 and can be picked up locally or shipped for an additional cost. Note that both images are on the same mug! If you are interested in purchasing a mug, please contact Katie Lynch.


Math Department T-shirt Designs

The University of Utah's AWM chapter sells math department t-shirts, and all proceeds go to the AWM chapter. All shirts cost $15.

Design 4: U Math Logo on Back (White on Red Background)

T-shirt Designer: Natasha Carlton

Available in: Men S, M, L and Women S, L, XL

U Math Logo on Back

Design 3: U Math Logo on Front (White on Black Background)

T-shirt Designer: Natasha Carlton

Available in: Women M

U Math Logo on Front

Design 2: Fary Graph on Back (White on Red Background)

Available in: Men S, L, and Women M, L

Fary Graph on Back

Design 1: Skier on Back (White on Black Background)

Available in: Men S

Skier on Back