Mathematical Biology Seminar
Andrea Barreiro, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tuesday February 4, 2008
3:05pm in LCB 219 "Bifurcation Theory for a Model of
the Oculomotor Neural Integrator"
In order to control the movement of the eyes, the brain must convert
sensory signals proportional to desired eye velocity into
eye position commands. The neural network that accomplishes
this is the oculomotor neural integrator. This network produces
integration through positive feedback and maintains a time
constant of about 20 seconds in humans. In order to ensure that the
integrator produces effective eye position commands under
changing circumstances, it is regulated by the cerebellum. The
cerebellar control mechanism is capable of independent adjustment
of time constant and gain.
We analyze neural network models of the coupled integrator-cerebellar
system. Our analysis, which uses ideas from the perturbation theory of
operators and classical differential geometry,
shows that, in order to function normally, the system must operate
in a narrow region where small perturbations can push it into
regions of instability or oscillations. Our model will also
simulate a class of eye movement disorders known as "congenital
nystagmus". Both normal and abnormal behavior depend crucially
on the non-normality of the system.