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 Some advanced INFO commands

   The course is almost over, so please stick with it to the end.

   If you have been moving around to different nodes and wish to retrace
 your steps, the "L" command ("L" for "Last") will do that, one node  at
 a time.  If you have been following directions, an "L" command now will
 get you back to Help-M.  Another L command would undo the U and get you
 back to FOO-Node.   Another L  would undo  the M  and get  you back  to

 >> Try typing three L's,  pausing in between to  see what each L  does.
 Then follow directions again and you will end up back here.

   Note the difference between L and P: L moves to where YOU last  were,
 whereas P  always  moves to  the  node which  the  Header says  is  the
 "Previous" node (from this node, to Help-M).

   The "D" command gets you instantly to the Directory node.  This node,
 which is the first one you saw when you entered INFO, has a menu  which
 leads (directly, or indirectly through  other menus), to all the  nodes
 that exist.

 >> Try doing a "D", then do an L to return here (yes, DO return).

   Sometimes, in INFO  documentation, you will  see a  footnote-pointer.
 Footnote pointers look like this: *Note ftnt: Help-Ft.  That is a real,
 live footnote pointer  which is  named "Ftnt"  and points  at the  node
 named "Help-Ft".

   If you wish to look at a footnote, you must use the "F" command.  The
 "F" must be followed by the footnote name (in this case, "Ftnt").   You
 can use Rubout and  Dot to edit  the footnote name,  and if you  change
 your mind about looking at any footnote you can use a lot of Rubouts to
 cancel the command.

 >> Type "F", followed by "Ftnt", and a CR.

   To get a list of all the footnotes in the current node, you can  type
 "?" after an  "F".  The  "F" continues to  await a  footnote name  even
 after printing  the list,  so if  you don't  actually want  to visit  a
 footnote you should type a Rubout to cancel the "F".

 >> Type "F?" to get a list of the footnotes in this node.  Then type  a
 Rubout and see how the "F" gives up.

 >> Now type "N" to see the last node of the course.