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COLOR (INDEX index v1 v2 v3) |

      (MODEL (HLS|RGB)) |
      (VALUE index | (Black|Blue|Cyan|Green|Magenta|Red|White|Yellow))

 Select color parameters.  The MODEL option selects either the HLS  (Hue
 - Lightness - Saturation) or RGB (Red - Green - Blue) color model.  The
 INDEX option redefines an entry in  the color lookup table.  The  index
 selected must be in the range 8 .. 255, since lookup table entries 0 ..
 7 correspond to the  8 predefined named colors.   The triple of  values
 (v1,v2,v3) defines the (H,L,S)  or (R,G,B) fractions  (in range 0.0  ..
 1.0), depending  on  the color  model  currently selected.   The  VALUE
 option selects a  color for  further plotting, either  by lookup  table
 index (range 0 .. 255) or by the name of one of the predefined  colors.