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SCALE xfactor yfactor zfactor

 Default: SCALE 1

 Define multiplicative  scale factors  which are  to be  applied to  all
 subsequent  relative  coordinates  and  character  heights.    Absolute
 coordinates are not affected.   If fewer than  three values are  given,
 the omitted ones default to  the same value as  the last one.  For  the
 scaling of character heights, the y  scale factor is used, even if  the
 character up direction is not the y direction.

 This facility is primarily useful  in conjunction with an INCLUDE  file
 defining an object  in relative  coordinates.  For  example, SCALE  0.5
 followed by INCLUDE WINDOW followed by SCALE 1.0 could be used to  draw
 a  half-size  window   at  the  current   point  in  an   architectural
 application, assuming  that  the  file WINDOW  contained  commands  for
 drawing a window in relative  coordinates.  Negative scale factors  are
 perfectly acceptable, and provided  relative coordinates are used,  can
 be effectively used  to create  mirror images or  inverted objects.   A
 zero scale  factor will  compress an  object to  a point.   Each  SCALE
 command resets the scale factors to the specified values; they are  NOT
 multiplied by the previous scale factors.