DIRED 1 "17 August 1998" "Version 4.01" [section 13 of 13]

.-3[SEE ALSO]         .-2[AUTHORS]         .-1[AVAILABILITY]


If lines wrap or overprint, it is likely that dired has an incorrect notion of the screen size. This can happen on older UNIX systems where the kernel does not track screen sizes, but instead, leaves it up to the shell, which uses environment variables named LINES (or ROWS) and COLUMNS to record the screen dimensions. Print those variables (e.g., echo $COLUMNS), and use the stty -a command to see the kernel's settings, if any, correct them if needed, and restart dired.

On some systems, if dired is running under a script(1) session, the screen dimensions may be incorrect, and can be reset in the same way as above.

.-3[SEE ALSO]         .-2[AUTHORS]         .-1[AVAILABILITY]