Autocorrelation function
Compute the autocorrelation function of a time series x over a number of given lag times.
Input: time series x, optional lag times
Output: acf vector of length lag times
Scott McKinley
Last modified 2012
function a = acf( x, lags ) if ~all([length(size(x))==2 , ismember(1, size(x))]); error('x must be a vector'); end if nargin == 1; lags = 0:(length(x)-2); end; nlag = length(lags); ntim = length(x); a = NaN([nlag 1]); for i = 1:nlag; ind1 = 1:(ntim-abs(lags(i))); ind2 = (1+abs(lags(i))):ntim; tem = corrcoef(x(ind1), x(ind2)); a(i) = tem(1,2); end end