Academic Year 2022 - 2023
Spring 2023
Colloquium cancelled.
Fall 2022
Introduction to the course
Title: Self-similar fractals and dimension
Title: The gambler's ruin problem and an interesting asymptotic extension
Abstract: In 1656, Pascal posited to Fermat something akin to the following: "Players A and B start with 'a' and 'b' points, respectively. Flips of a fair coin determine how points are transferred between them. The game ends when one player acquires all a+b points (and the other player thus has none). Given a and b, how likely is Player A to win?" In this talk I will answer Pascal's question by visualizing the game as a 1D random walk with absorbing boundary conditions. I will then discuss an extension of the problem involving the limit of many random walkers, which has numerous applications to physics, chemistry, and biology.
Mathematical Outreach
Abstract: Adaptive chemotherapy seeks to manage chemoresistance by delaying the competitive release of a resistant sub-population, and to manage cancer by maintaining a tolerable tumor size rather than seeking a cure. Models typically follow interactions between infinite populations of sensitive (S) and resistant (R) cell types to derive a chemotherapy dosing strategy C(t) that maintains the balance of the competing sub-populations. Our models generalize to include healthy (H) cells, and finite population sizes. With finite population size, stochastic fluctuations lead to escape of resistant cell populations that are predicted to be controlled in the deterministic case. We test adaptive schedules from the deterministic models on a finite-cell (N = 10,000 – 50,000) stochastic frequency-dependent Moran process model. We quantify the stochastic fluctuations and variance (using principal component coordinates) associated with the evolutionary cycle for multiple rounds of adaptive chemotherapy, and show that the accumulated stochastic error over multiple rounds follows power-law scaling. This accumulates variability and can lead to stochastic escape which occurs more quickly with a smaller total number of cells. Moreover, we compare these adaptive schedules to standard approaches, such as low-dose metronomic (LDM) and maximum tolerated dose (MTD) schedules, finding that adaptive therapy provides more durable control than MTD even when we include the effects of finite population size. Although low-dimensional, this simplified model elucidates how well applying adaptive chemotherapy schedules for multiple rounds performs in a stochastic environment. Increasing stochastic error over rounds can erode the effectiveness of adaptive therapy.
Applying for the NSF GRFP
Abstract: This is a panel about applying for the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP). This is a program that graduating seniors as well as first and second year graduate students, may apply for. It provides funding for 3 years of financial support to US Citizens, US Nationals and permanent residents who intend or are pursuing a Masters or Ph.D. in various fields including Mathematics. This panel will provide useful information for anyone who is thinking about graduate school in Mathematics (whether or not they are eligible to apply for the NSF GRFP this year).
Title: What should you do if you miss a dose of medication?
Abstract: Medication adherence is a major problem for patients with chronic diseases that require long term pharmacotherapy. What should patients do if they miss a dose of medication? How can physicians design drug regimens to mitigate nonadherence? Why are some medications effective despite lapses in adherence? In this talk, I will describe recent efforts to address these questions using mathematical modeling.
Gradient Dynamics in a Valley: Super Slow Motion of Interfaces
Abstract:Paul Fife and Charles Conley studied a dynamical system modeling the spread of a genetic trait through a population over many generations. In doing so, they developed an abstract theorem, using a topological tool, with applications going far beyond the biological model. Consider a curve (manifold) M of stationary solutions to a dynamical system and suppose that each point of M is exponentially stable in directions perpendicular to M. They showed that small changes in the dynamical system retained some semblance of M, namely, traveling waves in the perturbed dynamical systems. I will have more to say about invariant manifolds in Thursday’s talk. Now for something completely different. Not really, but I can’t resist Monty Python lines sometimes (ask your parents, sorry, grandparents about MP). Diverging slightly from the above, in this talk, I will go on to talk about places like Alta, where there are mountains and valleys and how something like gravity tended to propel me into the valleys from where I would walk out by going along the valley to what I hoped would be a route to the chairlift, so I could do it again. The dynamics I described is a gradient dynamical system, where I would go down in the steepest way possible until getting into a valley, where motion became rather slow. I will describe a class of dynamical systems, being the gradient of an “energy” J, that has a peculiar property for points near M, a set of points forming a curve (manifold): If the distance of an initial point u0 from M is less than some number g, and if its energy J(u0) is low, then that distance is less than b, for some number less than g! The solution then stays within distance b from M. One such dynamical system is a vector version of the system studied by Fife and Conley and also having small diffusion. I’ll indicate how the statement on boldface applies and produces incredibly slow motion of interfaces in the spatial profile of a solution. This is joint work with Giorgio Fusco (U. L’Aquila) and Georgia Karali (U. Crete).
Panel: Population Health Sciences PhD, Emphasis in Biostatistics
We train the next generation of biostatisticians with the methodological and collaborative skills needed to design and analyze studies aimed at addressing important population health problems. Our graduates are well positioned for meaningful careers in academia, industry, or government.
Learn more about our PhD Program at
Panel: Healthcare Data Science 2023 Internship Program
Do you enjoy solving real life problems with math and programming? Does innovation and automation of AI and Machine Learning in healthcare excite you? Are you motivated by helping people live the healthiest lives possible?
Learn more about internship and full-time employment opportunities with Intermountain Healthcare in Date Science.
Cryptography, Freedom, Democracy
How Basic Science Affects Everyone
To most people, research in basic science seems irrelevant, and
consequently, citizens, legislators, government funding agencies, and corporations are disinclined to support it. Nevertheless, basic science can have deep impacts on our lives. This talk examines two developments in basic science in the Twentieth Century. The first of them, Albert Einstein's work in 1905, changed the field of physics, and the course of history. The second, the invention of public-key cryptography in 1975, has important consequences for secure communications. Many of mankind's discoveries have potential for both good and bad. The talk concludes with a discussion of some recent uses of technology that pose the very serious risk of our complete loss of privacy, freedom, and democracy.Title: Power Grid Operation and Planning: Convergence of Engineering, Economics, and Machine Learning
Abstract: Power grid fuels our everyday life and has successfully contributed to the economic surplus of all countries across the globe. Today, the power grid is undergoing a massive change with the integration of renewable energy resources, and faces a growing number of natural disasters and cyber attacks that threaten the reliable delivery of power to the communities. This talk will discuss how new mathematical optimization and machine learning models are changing the way power grids are operated to adapt to the challenges the grid faces.
Topic: Yoneda Lemma
Abstract: I'll give a quick introduction to Category theory and state Yoneda Lemma. Then If time permits, I'll give a couple of quick application.
Title: Area without Numbers
Abstract: Ancient Greek civilization didn't have the greatest set of numbers. Therefore the way they approached geometry was a little different from what we're used to. This talk will explore the notion of quadrature -- producing a square with an area equal to that of a given figure.
Academic Year 2021 - 2022
Spring 2022
Introduction to the courseIntroduction to the course
Edge Ideals: one of the beautiful bridges between algebra and combinatorics
Abstract: In this talk, we will learn about three types of monomial ideals (called edge ideals) associated to graphs. We will consider edge ideals of finite simple graphs, vertex weighted graphs, and vertex weighted oriented graphs. The focus of this talk will be on reviewing some of the results on how algebraic structure and invariants of these edge ideals can be studied through the combinatorial structure and invariants of graphs.
Evolution of logical paradoxes
Abstract: A paradox is an argument that derives an absurd conclusion by rigorous deduction from obviously true premises. A group of paradoxes particularly attracting a lot of interests is "logical paradoxes" which are ones derived from self-inference. We will go through numerous examples from the ancient to modern time.
Hotel Infinity
Abstract: You are the owner of Hotel Infinity. It has infinitely many rooms, and it's full. A new guest arrives and insists you give her a room. How do you accommodate her? The next day, a family with infinitely many members arrives, each of whom wants a private room. The Hotel is still full. The next day infinitely many families, each with infinitely many members, arrive. Each member of each family insists on a private room. What do you do? We'll use this puzzle as an introduction to some subtleties of the concept of infinity.
Wireless communication
Abstract: Wireless communications has become prevalent in our lives in the United States and across the world. We use our mobile telephones every day but we don’t stop to think of all the mathematics is it built upon. In fact, your mobile telephone is based on many concepts including detection and estimation, statistical analysis number theory, and information theory. L3Harris Technologies in Salt Lake City is a leader in wireless communication systems for ground, air, sea, and space. In this brief talk, we will give an overview and L3Harris and then go into some of the mathematics involved in the transmission and reception of information (voice, video and data).
From the Pythagorean theorem and beyond
Abstract: Many ideas and theories in mathematics have come from simpler ideas and a key question: what if?
Do you have a theorem that works in two dimensions? Then what if the dimension is now 3?
Do you know how to integrate a continuous function over a closed interval? Then what if the function is not continuous?
This question motivates new concepts and theories, and expands the boundaries of our knowledge. The invitation is to see this method in action, by exploring how far we can push one very familiar theorem: the Pythagorean theorem.
Geometry on Surfaces
Abstract: We'll see examples of surfaces exhibiting spherical, Euclidean, and hyperbolic geometries, and we'll discuss the Gauss-Bonnet Theorem which says that a finite surface can be associated with only one of the three geometric options from above.
Mathematics and Machine Learning
Abstract: Machine learning is used everywhere from self driving cars, to detecting spam emails, to Snap Chat filters. Although machine learning can seem quite mysterious, the mathematics behind many examples can be fairly accessible. In this talk we will examine how Calculus and a little bit of matrix multiplication can come together to build surprisingly accurate models.
Models of Astrocytic Glutamate Transporter EAAT2
Abstract: Glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter that is widespread throughout mammalian nervous systems and is thought to be linked to various health issues including drug addiction. Modeling glutamate uptake is key in improving our understanding of glutamate’s role within the nervous system and in turn, its role in drug addiction. Current models of the glutamate transporter EAAT2 are time-expensive and costly, spurring the need for simplified models which can accurately capture characteristics of the transporter efficiently. In this paper, we created a simplified model of EAAT2 which captures the voltage-dependence, ion-saturation, and time-varying properties of the current produced by EAAT2 within a single piecewise-equation. We also show that this reduced model is more computationally efficient than the 20-state kinetic model utilized in previous work and provides a lower bound for glutamate clearance in ischemic conditions. Our reduced model demonstrates easier integration of EAAT2 into complex systems and reduces the workload for ODE solvers, effectively reducing computation time and expense for large-scale models of the synaptic cleft.
Newcomb, Benford, Pareto, Heaps, and Zipf
Are arbitrary numbers random?
Abstract: An arbitrary collection of measured numbers from various sources ought, it seems, to be random, but the surprising observation is quite different. The implications of this discovery are astonishingly broad, from mathematical curiosity, to accounting, criminology, demographics, fraud, linguistics, nuclear decay, taxation, terrorism, Web searching, and even the rise of Fascism in the early Twentieth Century, and the Greek debt crisis that began in 2009, and still continues. Come and learn something of this fascinating subject that can broaden your view of what mathematics is good for, and perhaps even turn your planned career in another direction.
Insurance, what is it, how math works for it, and why you should work for WCF insurance?
Abstract: WCF Insurance is a rapidly growing, 105-year-old company headquartered in Sandy, Utah with employees across the country. WCF’s Aryn DeJulis, Director of Product Management and graduate of the University of Utah, and Haris Hadzimujic, Business Intelligence Manager, will discuss the use of mathematics and predictive analytics in the insurance industry along with career opportunities at WCF Insurance. We hope you’ll join us!
Applying to grad school
Abstract: Applying to graduate school? Thinking about it? Come to this week's undergraduate colloquium to learn useful information and get your questions answered by a panel of graduate students + professors involved in the process. All years, majors, interests, and persons welcome!
Homeomorphisms of the biinfinite flute surface
Abstract: At some point, we’ve all found ourselves wondering, “What would happen to a curve on the surface of an infinitely long cylinder with an infinite number of holes if you iteratively applied a composition of functions which continuously deformed the surface while preserving all the topological properties of the cylinder? What if you applied the functions backward?” The answers to these questions will be presented in this topological lecture on homeomorphisms of infinite-type surfaces.
Fall 2021
Introduction to the course
The Mathematics Behind Global Communication and Cyber Security
Lie groups for Everyone
Abstract: Lie groups and representation theory have become a central topic
in mathematics while at the same time remaining a bit esoteric for
non-experts. The goal of this talk is to explain the usefulness of
representation theory and understand its centrality. Time permitting we
will discuss the Peter-Weyl theorem which completely characterizes
representations of compact groups.
Mathematical Outreach
Abstract: Mathematics is a human endeavor, and mathematics is built on the contributions of our entire community. Outreach is the process of providing support and services to underserved communities, and so mathematical outreach aims to encourage and support students to engage with math that otherwise would not. In this talk I’ll survey a number of math outreach opportunities that are out there, with an eye towards opportunities that undergraduate and beginning graduate students can meaningfully take part in; these opportunities include summer math camps, math circles, math festivals, and more!
Minimal Surfaces
Abstract: Minimal surfaces are mathematical models of soap films. Surfaces which have least area among surfaces that span a given closed boundary curve in three space are called minimal. We shall deduce the partial differential equation of minimal surfaces using the calculus of variations. The PDE can be solved in various special examples using ODE's, such as the catenoid, helicoid and Scherk's Surfaces.
Slides of the lecture are available.
A Mathematician’s Journey Through a Financial Services Career
Mckay Hyde, a U of U alumnus, will talk about his experience leaving an academic track for a career at Goldman Sachs, including a survey of some of the problems he has worked on during his career. He will also highlight internship and full-time opportunities for students at Goldman Sachs.
Considering Data Science
Abstract: What is so appealing about data science? Why might a background in math or science be both good and bad? This is not another talk on how to get into data science, or ‘how to do data science’. Listen to a mathematician/physicist talk about his experience as a data scientist and together try to understand why this field is often touted as both booming and dying at the same time.
From Intermountain Healthcare: Andy Merrill, Director of Enterprise AI & Data Science Center of Excellence and Mark Neilsen, Lead Machine Learning Engineer, will present “AI and Data Science at Intermountain Healthcare”
Abstract: Are you curious how math and statistics can improve healthcare and help individuals live the healthiest lives possible? Come learn about the Intermountain AI and Data Science team’s strategy and also about next year’s internship opportunities with our team. Refreshments will be provided.
My Journey from Math Major to the Financial Services Industry
Join Brooks Brady, Senior Vice President at Zions Bancorporation, as he shares how he made his way from his undergraduate degree in mathematics at the U to a career in financial services. He will talk about how math has played an important role in projects throughout his career and offer advice to students that are interested in working in the field.
The Kepler conjecture controversy
Abstract: The Kepler conjecture asserts that the best way to pack spheres of equal size in space is the familiar pyramid arrangement used to stack oranges at the fruit stand. This problem was the oldest unsolved problem in discrete geometry, until Sam Ferguson and I announced a solution. For many years, the conjecture was wrapped in controversy, because of false claims of proofs and other reasons. This talk will describe the history of the controversy and how our proof was finally accepted as valid by the mathematical community.
Formal Power Series Rings in Macaulay2
Macaulay2 is an open-source computer algebra system that is used extensively in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. As an example, one can manipulate polynomials in different polynomial rings which is very useful tool for research and learning purposes. However sometimes working with polynomials is not enough for many interesting problems. One of the goals of algebraic geometry is to understand the geometry of varieties, which is where ring completions come in that show the importance of formal power series rings. This was the motivation for creating a package in Macauly2 called Lazy Power Series which makes it possible to work with formal power series and extends the current functionality of Macaulay2. We will also discuss the importance of using resources such as mathematical software in pure mathematics and show some examples of calculations possible with the Lazy Power Series package.
Between quantum donuts and colorful numbers, what exactly is ergodic theory?
Abstract: Ergodic theory originated in the study of statistical properties of certain physical systems which are, in some sense, in equilibrium. Over time, ideas developed originally to study these so-called ergodic systems became, often times surprisingly, indispensable for many areas of mathematics; some of which have little to nothing to do with physics. Examples range from algebraic geometry to additive combinatorics, and from number theory to quantum mechanics. After briefly discussing some success stories of ergodic theory alluded to in the title of the talk, I will give a flavor of its fundamental notions through a simple example from number theory.
Academic Year 2019 - 2020
Spring 2020
Hotel Infinity
Abstract: You are the owner of Hotel Infinity. It has infinitely many rooms, and it's full. A new guest arrives and insists you give her a room. How do you accommodate her? The next day, a family with infinitely many members arrives, each of whom wants a private room. The Hotel is still full. The next day infinitely many families, each with infinitely many members, arrive. Each member of each family insists on a private room. What do you do? We'll use this puzzle as an introduction to some subtleties of the concept of infinity.
Cryptography, Freedom, Democracy
How Basic Science Affects Everyone
Abstract: To most people, research in basic science seems irrelevant, and consequently, citizens,
legislators, government funding agencies, and corporations are disinclined to support
Nevertheless, basic science can have deep impacts on our lives. This talk examines two developments in basic science in the Twentieth Century. The first of them, Albert Einstein’s work
in 1905, changed the field of physics, and the course of history. The second, the invention of public-key cryptography in 1975, has important consequences for secure communications.
Many of mankind’s discoveries have potential for both good and bad.The talk concludes
with a discussion of some recent uses of technology that pose the very serious risk
of our complete loss of privacy, freedom, and democracy.
Automorphisms of varieties of general type
Abstract: If X is a Riemann surface of genus g at least 2, then it is well known that X has at most 84(h-1) automorphisms (symmetries). In this talk we will explain this result and its generalization to higher dimensional varieties.
MATH 3000
Tex, LaTex and writing a math paper. Students enrolled in MATH 3000 are strongly encouraged to attend this session.
The Marriage Problem

China Mauck
Nathan Willis
Huy Dinh
Trent DeGiovanni
Non-Euclidean geometries
Abstract: In one of the earliest mathematical textbooks, Euclid set out the rules of geometry: any two points are connected by a straight line; any straight line segment can be extended to a line; and so on. This Euclidean geometry is very familiar to us: the interior angles of every triangle add to 180 degrees; two lines that start parallel to each other remain parallel forever; and, polygons with four right angles exist. However, not every geometry behaves in this way. For example, the geometry of sphere is quite different. There is a third planar geometry to explore - hyperbolic geometry - that was borne out of the realization that one of Euclid's original axioms could not be derived from the others. This talk will be an introduction to hyperbolic geometry, a beautiful field that revolutionized mathematics and remains at the forefront of modern research in topology, dynamics, and algebra.
Why Bayes’ theorem is cooler than you thought
Abstract: Come and see how this seemingly trivial theorem has the potential to change your life. Okay, that's maybe a bit of hyperbole (but maybe not, you never know). We'll walk through some basic ideas in Bayesian statistics, covering how Bayes' theorem can help us think logically in the presence of uncertainty and how to use Bayes' theorem for basic statistical inference. This is intended to be approachable even if you don't have any background in probability/statistics, though having that background would probably help.
Allechar Serrano López will present “Applying to grad school”
Abstract: Maybe you are curious about what grad school is, maybe you're considering to apply
someday, or maybe you've looked into it and it seems too overwhelming. If you've
been in any of these situations, this workshop is for you! We will provide information
about the path to grad school. We will talk about what is needed and what to expect
during the application process. We will also have Q&A with a professor that has been
involved in the admissions process.
Thinking Categorically about Undergraduate Mathematics
Utah Undergraduate Colloquium, March 2020
Abstract: Categories are ubiquitous in mathematics, and "thinking categorically" is a framework
for reviewing some high points of the undergraduate curriculum. For example, there
are the categories of (finite) sets, vector spaces, topological spaces and various
flavors of groups. We get quickly to interesting mathematics when we consider automorphism
groups Aut(X) of symmetries of an object in a category. One of the central problems in geometry (and physics
and chemistry) is to understand symmetries of manifolds via their representations as symmetries of vector spaces. This gives us the opportunity
to review more high points of the undergraduate curriculum and to segue into graduate
mathematics by introducing students to Lie Groups, Lie Algebras and Algebraic Geometry.
This talk is an advertisement for my Math 4800 course in the Fall semester.
Fall 2019
I will in fact talk about some unsolved, or recently solved, problems in Mathematics. The main purpose of the meeting, however, will be to organize the Undergraduate Colloquium for those interested in taking it for credit (1 hour credit/no credit). For many participants this will be the first class in which they have to write a technical report. This is a complicated yet gratifying task. I will discuss some of the issues involved and also give a first introduction to the use of LaTeX.
Penrose Tiling
Classifying Pythagorean Triples
Abstract: Number theory begins as the study of the natural numbers: 1, 2, 3, etc. When studying the natural numbers, one quickly arrives at the fascinating mysteries surrounding prime numbers. You might wonder: How many primes are there? How can we tell if a given number is prime? Is there a pattern to the primes? We know some things about prime numbers, for instance that there are infinitely many of them. However, there are many things which are still not understood, largely because the "pattern" of the prime numbers is unpredictable. There are many other interesting objects in mathematics that behave as erratically as the prime numbers do, and the techniques of number theory can often be used to study these objects as well. As an example, consider right triangles whose side lengths are all natural numbers. We will classify all such triangles, using techniques from arithmetic geometry and the theory of algebraic numbers. The only prerequisite for this talk is high school algebra.
The Fast Fourier Transform
Abstract: In 1965 Cooley and Tukey discovered a revolutionary algorithm: the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). It reduces the number of operations required to do frequency analysis of a signal of length N from N2to about N log(N). We will look under the hood of this ubiquitous algorithm, and explore a few applications including noise reduction, image compression (JPEG) and sound compression (MP3).
Isoperimetric problem and the Calculus of Variations
The isoperimetric problem is one of the oldest problems in mathematics. On a plane, the problem asks for the plane region with a given perimeter that encloses the largest area. The fact that the circle is the solution to this problem appears to be intuitive and was known already in Ancient Greece, but it was not until 1879 that Karl Weierstrass gave the first rigorous proof of this statement. This leads to the development of an emerging field in modern mathematics known as the Calculus of Variations. Besides its links with other branches of mathematics such as differential equations and functional analysis, it finds its diverse applications in physics, engineering, economics, and biology. In this talk, we will introduce several classical problems in the field and discuss the classical techniques for solving these problems explicitly.
University of Utah Mathematics Alumni
Please join us for the September 25 Undergraduate Colloquium where four University of Utah alumni will share the career paths taken from a mathematics degree to their current jobs, followed by Q&A. This is a great opportunity to engage with professionals in a range of STEM careers.
The Department of Mathematics Undergraduate Colloquium welcomes;
Evan Dudley, VP Credit Risk Technology, Goldman Sachs
Jeremiah Perry, VP Liquidity Risk, Goldman Sachs
Dan Eardley, Director, Mathnasium
Jonathan Bown, Quantitative Modeling Analyst, Zions Bank
Prerequisites: It will be helpful, though not strictly necessary, for audience members to know how to add and multiply complex numbers!
A Fractional Introduction to Fractals
Abstract: How long is the coast of Great Britain? This question, although at first seemingly simple, has a peculiar answer when approached theoretically from different length scales due to the fractal-type nature of coastlines. In this talk we will introduce the notion of fractals, their unique mathematical properties, and their prevalence in nature, as well as view examples of such strange and fascinating objects.
Dividing by Three Without the Axiom of Choice
Abstract: Let A and B be infinite sets. If 3 x A is bijective to 3 x B then is A bijective to B? This question is immediately answered in the affirmative if one evokes the axiom of choice, but how would one go about "dividing by three" without such a powerful tool? In this talk we will see just how difficult it can be answer such questions from the constructivist viewpoint.
Instant Insanity
Abstract: Fifty years ago, a new puzzle was unleashed upon the ever-patient public. It consists of four cubes whose faces are colored one of four colors: red, green, blue, and white. The objective of the puzzle is to arrange the cubes in a row so that along the front, back, top, and bottom each color appears once among the four cubes. The colors of the left and right faces of the cubes are of no consequence (indeed, except for the left of the first cube and the right of the final one, those faces are hidden).
One could call this the Rubik's cube of the sixties because it attracted so much attention and was found to be hard to solve without using some kind of mathematical tool. For this reason, the name under which it was marketed seemed appropriate: Instant Insanity.
In the colloquium we will have a few sets available to allow experiencing the difficulty of solution. Then we will learn about a mathematical technique that leads to a solution.
Counting Rational Points on Curves and Surfaces
Abstract: In integral calculus, elliptic integrals originally arose in connection with the problem of giving the arc length of an ellipse. They were first studied by Giulio Fagnano and Leonhard Euler in the 18th century. Seemingly unrelated, one can also count the number of rational points of an elliptic curve (roughly a torus) over a finite field – since there are only finitely many rational points. Hasse's theorem on elliptic curves, also referred to as the Hasse bound, provides an estimate of the number of points on an elliptic curve over a finite field, bounding the value both above and below. In my talk, I will explain how to count the number of rational points on a family of elliptic curves using elliptic integrals. I will then explain how this can be used to count rational points on certain K3 surfaces, that is quartic surfaces in P3 first studied by Ernst Kummer in the 19th-century.
Adventures in the Arctic
Mathematics Ph.D. student, Ryleigh Moore, was one of three American graduate students invited to participate in the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition out of Tromsø, Norway from September 20 - October 28, 2019. The flagship German icebreaker, RV Polarstern, will be frozen in ice and drift for a full year through the Central Arctic following in the footsteps of an earlier 19th century expedition under Norwegian explorer, Fridtjof Nansen. MOSAiC will mark the first time a modern research icebreaker will study near the North Pole throughout the polar winter; it is hailed as the largest Central Arctic expedition ever, with 19 countries, over 600 people, and a budget exceeding 155 million US dollars.
In this talk, Ryleigh will discuss the science goals of MOSAiC and her experiences while on the Russian research vessel, Akademik Fedorov. She will discuss life on a research vessel, how the expedition identified ice floes that would be used for instrument deployments, and her role of leading the installation of three seasonal ice mass balance (SIMB3) buoys in the Central Arctic.
Proofs without Words
Abstract: A proof without words, or picture proof, is as it sounds: A proof of a mathematical identity or statement which can be demonstrated as self-evident by a diagram without explanatory text. Some argue that proofs without words are not really proofs, and are thus not acceptable as real mathematics. I will instead argue the viewpoint of popular mathematics and science writer Martin Gardner: "In many cases a dull proof can be supplemented by a geometric analogue so simple and beautiful that the truth of a theorem is almost seen at a glance." We will start with picture proofs that one could use in trigonometry and calculus courses, and conclude with a picture proof about serial isogons of 90 degrees.
A Fractional Introduction to Fractals
Abstract: How long is the coast of Great Britain? This question, although at first seemingly simple, has a peculiar answer when approached theoretically from different length scales due to the fractal-type nature of coastlines. In this talk we will introduce the notion of fractals, their unique mathematical properties, and their prevalence in nature, as well as view examples of such strange and fascinating objects.
Tropical Lines, Triangles, Squares, and Primes
Abstract: Take a square and try to cut it up into n triangles of equal area. If n is odd, this is impossible! Stranger still, the only proof we know uses prime numbers in an essential way! As well as the absolute value | • | you know and love, there's another one for every single prime! Come meet | • |2 and find out how it knows no one can cut a square into n pieces of the same area.
Academic Year 2018 - 2019
Spring 2019
Cool Mathematics
Abstract: I will in fact talk about some unsolved, or recently solved, problems in Mathematics. The main purpose of the meeting, however, will be to organize the Undergraduate Colloquium for those interested in taking it for credit (1 hour credit/no credit). For many participants this will be the first class in which they have to write a technical report. This is a complicated yet gratifying task. I will discuss some of the issues involved and also give a first introduction to the use of LaTeX.
Area of Lattice Point Polygons
Abstract: A wonderful theorem about a planar polygon whose vertices have interger coordinates was discopvered by Georg Pick in 1899. The area is given by the number of integer lattice points inside the polygon plus half the number of lattice points on the boundary minus one. An inductive proof will be given based on combining the formulas of two smaller polygons glued along a common boundary. The impossibility of a similar formula in higher dimensions will also be discussed.
The Mathematics of Rainbows
Are rainbows bridges to heaven? Or bows to shoot arrows of lightning? Is there really a pot of gold at the rainbow's end? "Where does the rainbow end, in your soul or on the horizon?" (Pablo Neruda).
In this talk we will try to answer these questions (and many more) on the naure of rainbows by using many resources of geometrical optics.
Gems from the Secondary Classroom
Abstact: The modern secondary (grades 7-12) mathematics classroom embraces the practice of utilizing multiple representations of a single concept to challenge and deepen student understanding, as well as foster creativity. Too often, humans confound their conceptual understanding with a particular convention or procedure. Challenging students' apparent understanding via unfamiliar representations exposes latent misunderstandings among excelling students, while offering clean-slate access points to struggling students. In this talk, we explore a few new approaches to old ideas from your life as a secondary math student. Come prepared for engagement and surprise!
A Fractional Introduction to Fractals
Abstract: How long is the coast of Great Britain? This question, although at first seemingly simple, has a peculiar answer when approached theoretically from different length scales due to the fractal-type nature of coastlines. In this talk we will introduce the notion of fractals, their unique mathematical properties, and their prevalence in nature, as well as view examples of such strange and fascinating objects.
Numbers in other bases
Abstract: When we represent a number say 31.235 we usually do so in base 10 and our representation refers to the fact that this number is 3 times 10 plus 1 times 1 plus 2 times 1 tenth plus 3 times one one-hundredth. One can represent numbers in bases of natural numbers and even in bases for numbers greater than one that are not necessarily natural numbers. This talk will delve into this interesting world talking about how to define such expansions and issues of uniqueness.
Hotel Infinity Revisited
Abstract: Consider a hotel with an infinite number of rooms and no vacancies. If a guest arrives, is it possible to find a room for them? If an infinite number of infinite families arrive, what then? This problem is not just an interesting exercise, as it has deep connections to the ideas of analysis. In this talk we will explore these connections, as well as ways to expand on the idea of the infinite hotel.
Instability in Aesthetics : the fluid dynamics of painting
Abstract: Mathematicians studying fluid motion and painters have more in common than you think. Unstable flows create some of the most visually interesting images such as the iconic dripping fluid threads of Jackson Pollock. Similarly, a well known Mexican muralist, David Alfaro Siqueiros invented an accidental painting technique to create new textures. Why do these patterns occur? What is the effect of the paint's density? We will explore the experimental setup of pouring layers of paint of different densities on a horizontal surface and investigate how the Rayleigh-Taylor instability drives pattern formation from this dual viscous layer.
No Talk - Spring Break
AWM; Applying for Math Grad School
Abstract: Maybe you are curious about what grad school is, maybe you're considering to apply someday, or maybe you've looked into it and it seems too overwhelming. If you've been in any of these situations, this workshop is for you! We will provide information about the path to grad school. We will talk about what is needed and what to expect during the application process. We will also have Q&A with professor that have been involved in the admissions process.
Board Games as Random Walks on Graphs
Abstract: A directed graph is a set of vertices and directed edges (arrows pointing from one vertex to another). We can assign a probability to each edge and imagine randomly moving from vertex to vertex along these edges (a 'random walk'). We will describe this mathematically and show how it applies to the analysis of board games. We'll show how this can improve your Monopoly strategy by determining the most likely-to-be-landed-upon properties. We'll also discuss how to answer the question I ask myself whenever I play my three-year old in Hi Ho Cherry-O: ``how much longer can this game possibly go on?" A little familiarity with basic probability and linear algebra is all that is necessary to understand this discussion.
Isolation as a means of epidemic control
Abstract: There are few options in the face of an unforeseen epidemic outbreak; isolation is one of them. When implemented in full and without delay, isolation is very effective. Flawless implementation, however, is seldom feasible in practice. I will present in this talk a simple epidemic model called "SIQ" with an isolation protocol, focusing on the consequences of delays and incomplete identification of infected hosts. The continuum limit of this model is a system of Delay Differential Equations, the analysis of which reveals clearly the dependence of epidemic evolution on model parameters such as disease reproductive number, probability and speed of identification of infected hosts, recovery rates and duration of immunity. Our model offers estimates on critical response capabilities needed to curb outbreaks, and predictions of endemic states when containment fails.
The Sperner Simplex
Abstract: Frank Stenger's talk is about the Sperner simplex, and how it is connected with the Brower and other fixed point theorems. He then also describes his combinatorial method of computing this simplex, and he presents explicit two dimensional examples. Students are encouraged to review properties of determinants for this talk.
Fall 2018
Cool Mathematics
Abstract: I will in fact talk about some unsolved, or recently solved, problems in Mathematics. The main purpose of the meeting, however, will be to organize the Undergraduate Colloquium for those interested in taking it for credit (1 hour credit/no credit). For many participants this will be the first class in which they have to write a technical report. This is a complicated yet gratifying task. I will discuss some of the issues involved and also give a first introduction to the use of LaTeX.
The King Chicken Theorem
Abstract: Consider a flock of chickens. In any pair of chickens, one pecks the other. However, there might not necessarily be a chicken who pecks every other bird. Instead, we call a "king chicken" one that, for every other chicken in the flock, either pecks that chicken, or pecks a chicken who pecks it. By representing each chicken as a vertex and each pecking relationship with an edge, we can use graph theory to examine chicken politics. We will see every flock has a king, but this king is not necessarily unique, or even uncommon.
Foraging in an Uncertain World
Abstract: Suppose you are an insect, foraging for sustenance across patches of plants. When your random search lands you on a plant, you must make some decisions. How long should you visit this specific plant? And when you leave, should you stay close or travel to a new patch that is less depleted? We will use the Marginal Value Theorem to find your optimal strategy in a world where you have total information. Then we will introduce uncertainty in the number and types of plants to see how this changes your strategy. We will also consider the plants' perspective, to see how their neighbors help or hurt them based on your foraging behavior.
The Porisms of Steiner and Poncelet
Abstract: Draw two circles, one inside the other. Starting anywhere
between the two circles we can draw a chain of circles tangent to both. In
some cases the chain will close up on itself. Steiner's remarkable porism
states that whether the chain closes does not depend on where we start. We
will prove this during the talk, and discuss another such result due to
Poncelet if time permits.
How Do Bacteria Talk? Understanding Bacterial Quorum Sensing by Mathematical Modeling
Abstract: Quorum sensing is a bacterial communication mechanism that uses signal-receptor binding to regulate gene expression based on cell density, resulting in group behaviors such as biofilm formation and bioluminescence. In certain bacterial species such as Vibrio harveyi, several parallel quorum sensing signaling pathways drive a single phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycle, which in turn regulates quorum sensing target genes. Through mathematical modeling, we investigate how signal integration is done at single cell levels and how bacteria use quorum sensing to measure its social and physical environment.
On the Labouchere Betting System
Fractal Patterns, Game Theory and Bali's Rice Terraces
Abstract: Bali's famous rice terraces, when seen from above, look like colorful mosaics because some farmers plant synchronously, while others plant at different times. The resulting fractal patterns are rare for human-made systems and lead to optimal harvests without global planning. We'll describe a model of this system, introducing some notions from game theory, to help understand this peculiar example.
Abstract: A group of prisoners is given an opportunity to play a game for their freedom. Each prisoner has a hat, either white or black (both equally likely), simultaneously placed on their heads. Absolutely no communication between prisoners is possible after this point. Prisoners cannot see their own hat, but they can see the hats of the others. The warden then rings a bell, and the prisoners must all simultaneously guess a color (white or black) or pass. They all win their freedom when at least one prisoner guesses the color of their own hat without any incorrect guesses being made. If an incorrect guess is made (or if everyone passes), they are all marched back to prison.
The prisoners may work together to devise a strategy before the game begins. What is an optimal strategy for the prisoners to secure their freedom? (Hint: if 45,000 prisoners fill Rice-Eccles stadium, there is a strategy that guarantees their freedom 99.996948242% percent of the time.)
The Behrens-Fisher Problem
Abstract: "Which of the two populations is bigger on average?" This is an often asked question in statistics. An often provided answer is by way of a two sample t-test assuming the populations are approximately normally distributed, with about the same degree of variability. However, what if the populations have different degrees of variability? It is not clear what the appropriate test should be! This is the classic Behrens-Fisher problem.
We will discuss some solutions to particular avatars of this general problem.
Me, You and Math
Abstract: How does learning mathematics in classrooms differ from the way mathematicians do mathematics (or does it)? Who does mathematics and why? What does the educational research say about the value of discussing mathematics? How can we create more inclusive classrooms and dispel the genius myth that lingers within the mathematics community? Does the structure of math classes impact student success? In this talk, we'll explore these questions and possibly challenge our own ideas about our individual roles within our mathematics community.
No talk, Thanksgiving Break.
The Mathematics of Rainbows
Abstract: Are rainbows bridges to heaven? Or bows to shoot arrows of lightning? Is there really a pot of gold at the rainbow’s end? “Where does the rainbow end, in your soul or on the horizon?” (Pablo Neruda)
In this talk we will try to answer these questions (and many more) on the nature of rainbows by using many resources of mathematical physics.Hotel Infinity
Abstract: You are the owner of Hotel Infinity. It has infinitely many rooms, and it's full. A new guest arrives and insists you give her a room. How do you accommodate her? The next day, a family with infinitely many members arrives, each of whom wants a private room. The next day infinitely many families, each with infinitely many members, arrive. Each family member insists on a private room. You can do it! Infinity is different.
Academic Year 2017 - 2018
Spring 2018
Cool Mathematics
Abstract: I will in fact talk about some unsolved, or recently solved, problems in Mathematics. The main purpose of the meeting, however, will be to organize the Undergraduate Colloquium for those interested in taking it for credit (1 hour credit/no credit). For many participants this will be the first class in which they have to write a technical report. This is a complicated yet gratifying task. I will discuss some of the issues involved and also give a first introduction to the use of LaTeX.
What's the deal with being a high school teacher?
Abstract: Are you thinking about maybe teaching middle or high school math someday? Maybe as a career or even as a bridge to graduate school or some other career? Perhaps you’ve thought about it as a profession after you retire from something more lucrative? There is a shortage of math teachers in Utah (and across the country); teaching is incredibly rewarding, but also challenging because there is a lot to know to be successful in a classroom. This colloquium will focus on three questions: 1) What is mathematical knowledge for teaching? 2) What’s in the “Common Core”? and, 3) What are the paths into teaching secondary math?
Tim Jones, Ph.D.
The Joy of Teaching Kids Math
Abstract: My career has taken me from particle physics at CERN to defense work at Lockheed Martin to start ups in Silicon Valley. I have worked with tremendous people on some amazing projects – but nothing has been more rewarding to me than the past decade I have spent teaching math to secondary kids (7 – 12). When we teach math at our school, we teach kids that math is hard – it is not built-in and requires a significant effort on the part of the student to learn math. We teach kids how to do math – that it is not guess-work. Math, to us, is a language – a language that is used to communicate ideas and to communicate logical reasoning. Not surprisingly, our algebra standards are therefore quite high. We do not use gimmicks to teach math – we do not need to. Students get the same intrinsic rewards as scientists, engineers, and mathematicians when they can do math – when they can solve problems. When students are taught at a level that is appropriate to them as an individual, they can learn math efficiently. All students – independent of socio-economic background can be successful – when given a chance. Teaching math requires teachers that have a drive to change the world – a willingness to invest in kids – a willingness to do the right thing. Math teachers, however, must be smart in math. Not x + 3 = 5 smart, but Fourier Series smart.
If you would like to talk to Tim about trying out teaching, you can contact him at
Sequences and Differential Equation
Abstract: You learned arithmetic sequences and geometric sequence in an elementary algebra class. In this talk, I will talk about another type of sequence which is little bit more complex than arithmetic/geometric sequences. We will find its n-th term by solving a corresponding differential equation. That means we will use differentiation, integration, taylor expansion, linear differential equation etc, to understand the sequence.
Cupid's Identity:
Valentine's Day = pi Day - One Month = e Day + One Week
Abstract: On this day of love, can we quell the recent antagonism between pi and e, as documented in an infamous recent debate at Williams College? Let's meditate away the irrational differences (and sums and products) between these transcendental numbers and instead toast the innumerable occasions on which they work together in harmony.
Rebecca Hardenbrook
A Knot-vice’s Guide to Untangling Knot Theory
Abstract: Consider a single piece of string. Now, knot it using a variety of twists and turns, finishing by combining the two ends together so that the string is one continuous loop. Is it possible to untangle this into the trivial knot? Although it may seem impossible to tell for the most complicated of knots, much work has been done over the past century to determine such an answer. This work has led to the development of a new field in mathematics: knot theory. In this talk, we will explore the history and basics of knot theory and, hopefully, won’t find ourselves too tangled up along the way.
Spot the Math!
Abstract: Spot It! is a pattern recognition game. There is a deck of 55 cards. Each card shows eight different symbols. Any two cards have exactly one symbol in common. I will explain the rules of the basic version of the game during the talk, then I will answer the following two questions:
1) How can we generate such a deck?
2) In particular, what's the total number of symbols in the whole deck?
Both questions turn out to be quite difficult. However, they become simpler if we use a little bit of geometry. The only prerequisite for this lecture is to know that the equation of a line is y=a+bx.
Yuri Tschinkel, New York University
Rational points
Abstract: The Gauss circle problem asks about the number of vectors with integer coefficients in a circle of growing radius. More generally, one can consider this problem in spaces of higher dimension, and impose polynomial conditions of the vectors. In many cases, this problem can be solved, applying a range of tools from harmonic analysis and analytic number theory. I will discuss a general conjecture concerning the distribution of lattice points satisfying polynomial conditions, in spheres of growing radius, as well as some recent results establishing this conjecture.
Nicholas Cahill
Bias and Threat: Understanding Sexism in STEM
Abstract: One of the largest ongoing projects in American education has been the attempt to understand the role sexism plays in gaps in performance and achievement between men and women in the sciences. While it may at first have seemed like a simple attitude problem, the gap has proven to be a complicated challenge, with many subtle and less subtle factors at play in the minds of educators and students, and in the broader environment where learning takes place. As the tenacity of this problem has become clear, it is more important now than ever for mathematicians to be understand the threat! This talk will be a brief overview of some of the most important concepts we use to understand what sexism is and how it operates in the sciences.
The Infinite Monkey Theorem
Abstract: Would you be surprised to learn that, given an infinite amount of time, a monkey sitting at a typewriter hitting keys at random will almost surely type the complete works of William Shakespeare (or any other given string of letters)? Maybe not, since after all a lot can happen in an infinite amount of time. But how long would you have to wait? Surprisingly, low long you'd have to wait depends on more than just the length of the string. We'll discuss and prove these facts. No monkeys or advanced mathematics required, just some basic probability (which I will review).
Anna Nelson
On the rheology of cats: are cats fluid?
Abstract: In this talk we will determine whether the claim that cats are liquid is solid! Using principles of rheology and fluid mechanics, we will study the flow and deformation of cats in different time scales. No prior knowledge of fluid mechanics is required!
The scallop theorem
Abstract: Bacteria and other small swimming organisms can't coast. Once they stop moving their flagella, they come to a complete stop instantaneously. They live in a world where inertia doesn't matter. We, on the other hand, live and swim in an inertia dominated world. The scallop theorem is a beautiful and simple geometric argument explaining why if inertia does not matter, you can't swim with a single hinge or via reciprocal motion. While the scallop theorem tells us what does not work, it does not explain the rich swimming behavior observed in nature. To answer this question, applied mathematicians use a combination of model, analysis and simulation starting from the famous Navier-Stokes equations.Stein's Paradox and Shrinkage
Abstract: Suppose we want to compute the batting average of Adam Eaton. Then, our natural estimator would be Hits/At Bats. Now suppose, we want to compute a batting average for each of the top 10 MLB players. Our natural estimator is no longer the best choice. In fact, the moment you are interested in 3 or more players, you are better off not using the natural estimator.
Charles Stein pointed out this paradox much to the horror of the statistical community in 1955. Today, a host of shrinkage estimators owe their origins to his result.
Fall 2017
No Talk - First Week of Classes
Cool Mathematics
Abstract: I will in fact talk about some unsolved, or recently solved, problems in Mathematics. The main purpose of the meeting, however, will be to organize the Undergraduate Colloquium for those interested in taking it for credit (1 hour credit/no credit). For many participants this will be the first class in which they have to write a technical report. This is a complicated yet gratifying task. I will discuss some of the issues involved and also give a first introduction to the use of LaTeX.
Hotel Infinity
Abstract: You are the owner of Hotel Infinity. It has infinitely many rooms, and it's full. A new guest arrives and insists you give her a room. How do you accommodate her? The next day, a family with infinitely many members arrives, each of whom wants a private room. The next day infinitely many families, each with infinitely many members, arrive. Each family member insists on a private room. You can do it! Infinity is different.
Panel of Faculty, Post-docs, and Graduate Students
Applying for and attending graduate school
Abstract: This weeks Undergraduate Colloquium will be aimed at helping undergraduates answer the following questions:
- Should I apply to graduate school?
- How do I apply to graduate school?
- What will it be like when I'm in graduate school?
Pseudo-random numbers: {mostly} a line {of code} at a time
Abstract: Random numbers have an amazing range of application in both theory and practice. Approximately-random numbers generated on a computer are called pseudo-random. This talk discusses how one generates and tests such numbers, and shows how this study is related to important mathematics and statistics - the Central-Limit Theorem and the Χ2 measure - that have broad applications in many fields. Come and find out what the Birthday Paradox, Diehard batteries, gorillas, Euclid, French soldiers, a Persian mathematician, Prussian cavalry, and Queen Mary have to do with random numbers.
The Angel Problem and other Games of No Chance
Abstract: I'll discuss John Conway's "Angel Problem," a simple sounding game for two players (the angel and the devil). The game was introduced in 1982, and the problem of finding a winning strategy remained unsolved until 2005. We'll talk about several variants of the game, and how these can be solved. Finally, we'll discuss one or two other games that fall under the umbrella of combinatorial game theory.
Casey Johnson (Math Department Alumnus)
Student Opportunities at Department of Defense (with a little bit of math)
Abstract: We discuss at a high level a variety of security-related positions within the U.S. Government that may be of interest to mathematicians. This will include professional opportunities, as well as internships available to undergraduates. As time permits, we will turn our attention to several related algebra problems and show how they can be combined to construct a primitive computer.
Complex and Tropical Nullstellensatze
Abstract: If a system of linear equations has no common solution, then by eliminating variables, one can obtain 1 = 0 as a linear combination of the given equations. Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz or “zero set theorem” says that the same thing happens with polynomial equations provided that one allows for complex solutions (and polynomial combinations). In the world of tropical numbers we consider polynomial relations and then there is a result of the same nature. We’ll talk about this and also about why the Nullstellensatz is the foundation of Algebraic Geometry.
Big Data Employer Panel
Location - LCB Loft (4th floor)
Abstract: Want to know what it's really like to work in a job relating to math, data, and statistics? Do you have questions about what it takes to land a position in "the real world" or what classes you should focus on now for your future career success? Hear from former students and get your questions answered! Food and networking to follow the panel.
What can you do with a slide rule?
I'll describe how slide rules work, why they work, and what you can do with them. A typical slide rule has anywhere from ten to thirty scales, rather than just two, and there are thousands of mathematical expressions that you can evaluate just as easily as you can multiply or divide two numbers. On the other hand, you can't use a slide rule to add or subtract two numbers, and you need to understand your problem well enough to be able to figure out on your own the location of the decimal point in your answer.
You'll be able to examine several slide rules, and I'll tell you what's involved in being a slide rule collector.
Desargues's theorem
Abstract: Desargues's theorem, published in 1648, is a result in geometry about triangles in perspective. Desargues was one of the fathers of projective geometry, and his theorem is best understood in that setting. We'll talk about Desargue's theorem, projective space, and how to prove the theorem.
Representation Theory and the Hydrogen Atom
Abstract: This talk is an advertisement for a new course that will be running in Spring 2018 called Representation Theory Techniques in Quantum Physics. The course will tell the story of representation theory's predictive role in quantum mechanics by closely examining the most basic example: the hydrogen atom. This talk will start by examining the history of representation theory and exploring how representation theory found its way to the forefront of 20th century mathematics and physics. Then it will give a preview of the material that we will cover in Math 5750. The talk will assume a background in linear algebra, but no background in group theory or quantum mechanics is necessary.
No Talk - Happy Thanksgiving
There will be an optional meeting for any students enrolled in Math 3000 who want to talk about the required report due at the end of the semester.
Waves in strings
Abstract: In this talk, we will study the problem of a vibrating string. How does a wave propagate in a homogeneous string when the string is plucked? This is a standard problem in mechanics and it has a well-known solution. So we will change some of the basic assumptions to turn it into a very challenging problem. First, we will see how the wave propagates when the string is made of two different materials. The key point is to understand what happens at the space-interface between the two materials. Then we will try to solve the following problem: what if the properties of the string suddenly change in time? In other words, what happens if a string made of a certain material, suddenly turns into a string made of another material? What happens at the time-interface? How is the propagation of the wave affected by this time-inhomogeneity?
Why can you tune a guitar, but not a piano?
Abstract: Musicians rely on being able to tune their instruments to create music that sounds pleasing and harmonious. In this talk, we'll discuss the mathematics behind the music created by vibrating strings and how guitarists use these frequencies, called "harmonics," to get in tune. Exploring this topic further leads to a surprising and unsettling result: it is impossible to tune a piano! Once we prove this, I'll explain what strategy piano tuners use to get around it. Partial differential equations and boundary conditions will make an appearance, but no knowledge of differential equations or music is required.
Past Colloquia
(links to Fall 1999 - Spring 2017)