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If you are unable to register for a math class without a permission code, review the following information to determine what steps you need to take. The Math Department enforces prerequisites for all math courses from Calculus II through the 5000 level and does not make exceptions to prerequisites. All prerequisite courses must be passed with at least a straight C or better. To review the prerequisites for the math course you want to take, visit the Math course descriptions in the General Catalog.

For registration for Summer 2025, if you are receiving a prerequisite error on any of the self-placement classes, please submit a permission code request and we will get a code to you, assuming there are seats available in the class.  Thank you.





Transfer Course Evaluation Form

Summer Permission Code Request button

For registration for Summer 2025, if you are receiving a prerequisite error on any of the self-placement classes, please submit a permission code request and we will get a code to you, assuming there are seats available in the class.



For questions email





I have completed the prerequisite course at a school in Utah and am registering for my first semester at the U of U.

  • Maybe - If the registration system isn't recognizing your transfer coursework you will need to request a permission code.

I have completed the prerequisite course at a school in Utah and I have taken courses at the U of U.

  • No If your course is listed on your degree audit. You may have a time conflict or you did not pass the prerequisite course with an appropriate grade. Verify that there are no time conflicts with the classes you are trying to register for and that you have an appropriate grade in the prerequisite course. 
  • Yes - If the courses are not on your degree audit. Submit your transcript to the Admissions Office (electronic transcripts are processed more quickly) and request a permission code.

I am currently enrolled in the prerequisite course at another school.

  • Yes Request a permission code and provide a copy of your unofficial transcript showing you are currently enrolled in the prerequisite course. If the school you are attending is outside of Utah, you will also need to have your transfer course work evaluated by the undergraduate math advisors using the Transfer Course Evaluation Form


I have completed the prerequisite course at a school outside of Utah.  

  • Maybe – If the registration system isn't recognizing your transfer coursework you will need to request a permission code. Verify that the prerequisite courses show on your degree audit or that your transcript showing the prerequisite course has been sent to the Admissions Office. You will also need to have your transfer course work evaluated by the undergraduate math advisors using the Transfer Course Evaluation Form.

I am currently enrolled in the prerequisite course at another school.

  • Yes Request a permission code and provide a copy of your unofficial transcript showing you are currently enrolled in the prerequisite course. If the school you are attending is outside of Utah, you will also need to have your transfer course work evaluated by the undergraduate math advisors using the Transfer Course Evaluation Form
 I am currently enrolled in the prerequisite course.
  • No Steps you can take: you may have a time conflict, you are trying to register for a restricted section of a course, or the course is full. Verify that there are no time conflicts in your schedule, check the schedule for notes about restricted sections, and check that there are seats available in the class you are trying to add.
  • Exception: If you are enrolled in a 1st half course that is the prerequisite for a 2nd half course you will need to request a permission code.

I want to repeat a course for a better grade.

  • Yes If you did not take the prerequisite course at the U of U and you passed the course you want to repeat with a C or better.

I meet the prerequisite with a higher-level course.

  • Yes Request a permission code.

The course I want to take is Math 4020 or 4800.

  • Math 4020 Request a permission code.
  • Math 4800 - Contact the instructor for a permission code.

I am an undergraduate student wanting to take graduate courses.

  • Yes Request a permission code and send your ticket number (your ticket number will be assigned and sent to your u-mail after you request a permission code) to the instructor. The instructor will need to provide consent in addition to you meeting the prerequisites.

I just took my AP/IB exam and am waiting for the results.

  • No You need to wait until your score equivalency appears on your degree audit.  Make sure that you have had your scores sent to the University of Utah.  In the case of IB scores, you will also need to submit the IB Credit Evaluation form.

I took an AP/IB exam and did not send my scores to the U of U.

  • No You need have your scores sent to the U of U and then wait for the course equivalency to appear on your degree audit.  In the case of IB scores, you will also need to submit the IB Credit Evaluation form.

I can’t register for Math 980 or for one of the Boot Camp Workshops.

  • No Because Math 980 and the Boot Camp Workshops are non-credit you will need to click on “Add Non-Credit Career” under the Academic Records tile in CIS before adding one of these courses.

The course I want to take is full.

  • You may request a permission code, but receiving a code for a course that is full is not guaranteed.

It is past the last day to add classes. Can I still enroll in the course.

  • Yes You will first need to talk with the instructor of the course you want to add. If they are willing to allow you to add the class late they will submit the request on your behalf.

I am a non-matriculated student and I took the prerequisites at a different school.

  • Yes Request a permission code and include a copy of your unofficial transcript. If the prerequisite course was taken outside of Utah, you will also need to have your transfer course work evaluated by the undergraduate math advisors using the Transfer Course Evaluation Form
  • No If you took the prerequisite course here at the U of U.



Last Updated: 3/20/25